Logo da Nhdesign
Highlight do projeto CCSM da Nhdesign


Porto, 2019

CCSM (Caldeira, Cernadas, Sousa Magalhães e Associados) is a law firm that was formed in 2019 through the merger of GMSCC and Sousa Magalhães e Associados.

  • Branding
  • UI/UX Design
  • SEO
  • Photography


We developed the CCSM website with the goal of presenting the firm and its services in a clear and professional manner. The layout was carefully designed to be intuitive and visually appealing, reflecting the firm's visual identity and providing a seamless browsing experience. The site is structured to showcase CCSM's expertise, facilitate access to information about its practice areas, and promote effective communication with potential clients.

  • Gray

    R: 119
    G: 119
    B: 119


  • White

    R: 255
    G: 255
    B: 255


  • Black

    R: 14
    G: 31
    B: 57


Nhdesign project CCSM: Reduced-size logo
Reduced-size logo
Nhdesign project CCSM: Responsive website on mobile
Responsive website on mobile
Nhdesign project CCSM: Responsive website on mobile
Responsive website on mobile